Why Us

In order to fulfill this mission of the college helps the prospective teachers to
  • Acquire academic and professional competencies
  • Develop creative thinking and innovative participation.
  • Creates awareness and encourage the teacher trainees for their active participation in extra-curricular activities as well as in the organization of Seminars, Workshops and Research related programmes for their total development.
  • Sensitize them towards social issues – poverty, illiteracy, destitution, environmental pollution erosion of human values and create an awareness about the duties and rights of citizen.
  • Develop effective communication skills and leadership qualities.
  • Help them to avail job opportunities and facilities of self employment for the young generation
  • To motivate and stimulate the teacher-trainees for their active participation in the teaching-learning process.


  • Education to all, wiling to become Teacher Educators , irrespective of caste , creed or religion
  • To instill the spirit of fellowship among students, to prepare them to be global citizens through cooperation and peaceful coexistence.
  • To inspire students for life long learning